Shaheen Public School
Behind the great foundation of Shaheen group of Schools is the only name – the name of late Mohammad Ali Hafiz (Blessed be his memories). Hafiz Sahib saw the light of the day on 15th of August, 1937. Right from his teenage, he began to develop philanthropic nature. He was moved by watching the Educational backwardness of the inhabitants of down town or the interior of the city. As he grew older, his great desire was to find an everlasting remedy to this grave problem of backwardness. He began to ponder over it.
“In education lies the solution,” said he, “Education” he got the idea. He wanted to give practical shape to his ideas. He started with the opening of a night college at Zarab Khana (Saraf Kadal). Motivated by the good results and fruitful outcome of Night College, Hafiz Sahib took one step forward by inauguration of a school at Budh Gair under the name of SHAHEEN in the year 1972 – 1973. This school with the incessant toil of Late Hafiz Sahib progressed by leaps and bounds. Later on it was recognized by the Govt. as a High School. This attracted a large number of students particularly from the Down –Town Locality classes. Encouraged by the response from the public from the surrounding areas, Hafiz Sahib’s burning zeal for the Educational upliftment, of the Society in the interior of the city, enhanced day by day. To give vent to his inborn and innate desires, the patron started another branch of Shaheen Public School at Ganderpora, (Eidgah). “SHAHEEN” a bird who flies higher and higher. A name of his choice. The founder wanted that the students should melt like a taper in pursuit of knowledge.
Thus, the missionary work continued and a third branch of Shaheen came into being at Hawal. “Hurrah! What an achievement” Late Hafiz Sahib’s efforts were crowned with success. His good will, patronage, sincerity and above all his fore sight was proved beyond any shadow of doubt.

It would not be out of place to mention here that his good and missionary work is being carried on with zeal and zest by his two sons namely Mr. Nissar Ahmad and Mr. Shakeel Ahmad. May Allah bless both of them!
Alas! The great founder, a missionary, a patron and a lapidary left for heavenly abode on 11th of September, 1997. May his soul rest in place!
Although he is no more among us, but his everlasting mission is going on and his yesterday’s dream about education are being changed into realities of today. Late Hafiz Sahib has left a message
Say not the struggle naught availeth, If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars. Go higher and higher like a Shaheen